Goodbye Bonanza View Ward!

No Longer Updating this Calendar

On April 17, 2016 changes were made to ward boundaries within our stake and as a result, the Bonanza View Ward members were divided into two...

**Young Women Upcoming Events**

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bringing You Up to Date

It’s been quite a while since I’ve sat down and taken the time to update the blog. We decided as a presidency that we wanted the girls to contribute to the blog so I’ve been waiting (and hoping) for some input from them. So far though … nothing (hint, hint girls!).
So, since mid-March we’ve had a ton of awesome activities that have gone on! I will try to re-cap a few of them… First, we had the amazing “Delete Key” talk by President Tom Wilson at our March Bishop’s Youth Fireside; we were inspired by our leaders in the General Young Women Meeting and then again in General Conference; we had dinner with Patriarch Swainston and learned more about the importance of patriarchal blessings; we were reminded of how special we are in an amazing talk by Sister Ginger Ewell at our Stake Young Women Standards Night; we laughed and we cried as we listened to the awe- inspiring stories and talents of Brother Alex Boye’ at a special fireside that the Sunrise Stake invited us to at the close of their youth conference; we had a great time at our own youth conference despite the windy weather that caused us to have to go to “plan B” at the last minute; we had fun with our moms at a mother-daughter barbeque; and finally, in mid-July our young women and leaders were inspired at stake girls camp where the theme was “Live Like You Believe”. Within our own ward we chose to be “Keepers of Faith” and our young women were shining examples of truth and righteousness throughout the week.
That brings us up to August! Phew! We started off the month with a great lesson on service by Sister Cahoon. Our theme for the month is virtue and several of the girls are working on trying to complete the reading of the Book of Mormon as part of the Personal Progress program.
We also had a VERY special Daddy-Daughter Dinner-Date this past week. Our Beehive class planned this activity; we had great food, fun (and funny) games, and they all learned how to do the Watermelon Crawl! It looked like everyone had a great time!
Even though the posts on here haven’t been current, the calendar is ALWAYS current. Please rely on it to see what is going on in the young women program. I have dates on the calendar throughout the rest of the year for most of our major events. There are also school related items on the calendar that affect the CCSD students.
Lastly, it would be nice to know that people actually read this blog and that it’s not just a big waste of my time…. So between now, August 8, 2010 and August 30, 2010 if you read this blog and leave a comment on the blog you will be entered into a drawing… the winner will be chosen at random on September 1, 2010 and will receive 3 dozen of my homemade chocolate/peanut butter chip cookies. Not a very expensive prize, but a very delicious prize…  Happy reading!


  1. Thanks for posting and putting up the daddy daughter pictures. I think the activity did turn our really well and everyone had fun.

  2. I do regularly check this blog. So if you keep it up to date I'm sure there are a few of us out there that will read it. Dana had a great time at the daddy daughter event and I'm sure its something she will remember forever. THANKS!! for all you guys do to help my daughter remember her values and to have a good time doing it.

  3. Absolutely Love It! Great job Kerrie and I do check the calendar and blog quite often...thank you, thank you, thank you! (I will try to get the Mia Maids to give you an uppdate to add on...HAHA)

  4. I check it often as well. Thanks so much for doing it! It looks great!

  5. YEA! Keep up the great work Kerrie. We do peek at it and it's so cute! I loved the daddy daughter pictures too.

  6. P.S. Man we really want those cookies!!:)

  7. I check the blog too! Good job, it's super cute!
